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“On the Side of the Highway” and “War Memorial,” Ploughshares, Winter Issue, 2025-6.

“Techniques for Remaining Calm During an Air Raid,” Beloit Poetry Journal, Spring 2025.

​“The Stages of Ukrainian Futurism,” Blackbird, Spring 2025.

“On The Question of Desert,” Southern Indiana Review, Spring 2025.

“Family Tree,” Florida Review, Fall 2024.

“Bookmarks,” TriQuarterly, Fall 2024.

“Lining Up the Crosshairs,” Copper Nickel, Spring 2024.

“Unsteady Topography,” Pleiades, Spring 2024.

“Clusters of Roses,” Cincinnati Review, Spring 2024.

“Will To Grow,” Chicago Quarterly Review, Spring 2024.

“Pure Poetry,” Poetry Northwest, Spring 2024.
“Sappho on the Rocks,” The Common, Spring 2024.

Arguments for Peace,Amor Fati, The Orders of Priority,” Lessons in Stoicism,” Commercial Break,Soul Is a Sieve,Marquise of O,Survivor Syndrome,Orphic Euphemisms,Neighbor,Mother’s Work,The Winter of Our Disco,Lingering Likeness,” Memento, Pegman,Beyond the Visible,and “The Rites of Moloch,” Spoon River Poetry Review, Issue 49.1 2024.  

“Puppets of God,” Poetry Ireland Review, Issue #141, December 2023. 

“Errands” and “The Ontological Argument,” The London Magazine, October/November Issue 2023.
“A Heart Has a Home, but Not—a Fist” and “A Museum of Rescued Objects,” Grain Magazine, Vol. 51.1, Fall 2023.

“Contact” and “Duck and Cover,” BoomerLitMag, Winter 2024.

The Common, Online Poetry Feature, October 2023. 

“Transfer of Knowledge Under the Occupation,” Ninth Letter, Fall 2023.

“Transmigration,” Alaska Quarterly Review, Fall 2023.

“Tempo,” Salamander Magazine, Fall 2023.

“When a Missile Finds a Home,” The Common, Fall 2024.  

“Under a Strange Shadow,” a selection of eight poems,
PN Review, Issue 272, Summer 2023.

“Collective Bargaining,” PRISM International, Issue 61.4, Summer 2023.  

“Soviet Gothic,” Notre Dame Review, Issue 53, August 2023. 

“Reciprocity,” “Blank Pages,” and “Genesis,” Conduit, Issue 33, Summer 2023.

Spent Vocabulary” and “
Incremental Changes,” Sixth Finch, Summer 2023. 

“Coarse & Uneven Pearls,” “Pareidolia,” and “Involuntary Gameness,” Smartish Pace, Issue 30, April 2023.  

“Crimea Quince,” The Indianapolis Review, Spring 2023. 

“Pachyderm,” “Degrees of Separation,” and “Toppling Statue,” Arkansas International, Spring 2023. 

“Approximations,” Plume Poetry Journal, Issue 139, March 2023. 

Intimate Relationship, The Paris Review, Issue 242, Winter 2022. 

“Water Under the Bridge,” “House Arrest,” “Stolen Time,” “Non-Gentle Reminder,” “Rocket in the Room,” “Rose,” “Samurai Cat,” “Drone Footage,” and “Kingdom of Ends,” PN Review, Issue 268, Fall 2022. 

“Reconfigured Connections,” “A Lullaby with No Theodicy,” and “Still Life of a Person with a Pug,” The Poetry Review, Vol. 112, No. 3, Fall 2022.

“Warm, Warmer,” “The Fourth Wall,” and “Post-Truth,” AGNI, Issue 96, Fall 2022.

“A Guest from War,” “Duck-Rabbit,” “Unverified Footage,” “Centipede,” “Revisions,” and “Wave and Particle,” The Manhattan Review, Vol. 20, No. 2, Fall 2022 [Pushcart-nominated].

Editorial Efforts,” “Erotic Patterns,” and “Cat’s Odyssey,” Southern Indiana Review, Fall 2022.

“Digital Mapping of a Massacre,” “Ambush,” and “Emergency Bag,” Poetry London, Issue 103, Fall 2022.

“Before the Departure,” Missouri Review Online, Poem of the Week, October 10, 2022.

“Cherry Orchard,” The Irish Times, Poem of the Week, June 4, 2022.

“Advice to a Young Poem” and “Awaiting the Invasion,” The Continental Literary Magazine, Issue 3, June 2022.

“Personal Credo,” New Orleans Review, Issue 48, Spring/Summer 2022.

“The Hunger of the Famished” and “Siberian Transit,” The Cincinnati Review 19.1, July 8, 2022, 85-88.

“Material Resistance,” Hawaiʻi Pacific Review, April 25, 2022.

“Signs of Life” and “Missed Connections,” CrazyHorse, Issue 101, Spring 2022.

“Birdwatchress,” Nimrod, Spring/Summer 2022, Vol. 65, No. 2.

“Essential Parenting,” Hunger Mountain, Issue 25, Spring 2021, 290.

“Orphanage,” a cycle of three poems, Sugar House Review, Issue 21, Fall/Winter 2020, 85-86.

“Suspicious Activity,” and “Alla Through the Looking Glass,” Blackbird 19.2, Fall 2020.

 “Child in a Bulb,” a cycle of four poems, Solstice, Summer 2020.

“The Art of Mnemonics,” Tar River Poetry 59.1, Fall 2019, 51 [Pushcart-nominated].

“Veteran Sleeper,” Prairie Schooner 92.3, Fall 2018, 69-70.

“In the Wake of a Disaster,” The Common, Issue 16, October 29, 2018.

“The Colonizing Instinct,” The Meadow, 2018 Annual Issue, 149.

“Active Shooter Drill at My Son's Elementary School,” “A Portrait of the Poet as a Young Woman,” “Nativity Scene Under the Chicken Coop,” The Lake, Spring 2018.

“The Home Makers,” The Common, online feature, March 2018.

“Reading a Poem in Farsi,” The Cimarron Review, 2017, Issue 50, 31.

“Safety Concerns,” Salamander, Issue 44, June 2017.

“Selva Oscura,” “Father and Daughter,” “Whore,” The New Orleans Review, Fall 2016.
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